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Hardcore action games that you haven’t played before

Among all the complicated game types, action games have made countless players fall in love with them because of their smooth combat experience, rich selection of moves and gorgeous skill effects. So is there anything worth recommending for such an enduring and difficult category? This article will inventory the author’s top ten action games (selected criteria can play in Steam) for your reference. Of course, these ten games are not to quality points before and after, are worth recommending to everyone’s masterpiece.

Although most of the players of “God of War” is the old “God of War” series trilogy on the PlayStation platform, but into the next generation after the arrival of the new “God of War” on PC, its action system is still very capable of fighting. The dual weapon system presented by Leviathan’s Axe and Chaos Blade will bring players a whole new gaming experience.

From the gorgeous marble sculptures and stone pillars of Olympus to the forests, mountains and caves, creatures, monsters and even gods of the pre-Viking era of Northern Europe, everything is brand new. Our god of war has also abandoned his former arrogance and unrestrainedness and has opened up the heavy responsibility of educating his son. If the player can accept the “God of War” over-the-shoulder perspective, I believe that when playing this work can still be very enjoyable.

In the music festival may be the scene of the sound waves and crowded crowds of the whole heart, but in the “perfect sound waves” the most excessive results may just be in the dream are moving times oh! Although the author is a sound game idiot, but in the game can still rely on their own understanding of the action game to carry out a smooth and rhythmic battle.

In addition to the unique combat system, the original voiceover of super kill will also wake up the player’s inner sleep beast, following the super fierce golden song together with the wild attack! Once you can play to the rhythm of the gorgeous beat strikes and perform powerful special abilities, try to challenge the coveted S rating!

Who can refuse the gangly, handsome and handsome teacher Dante? As the latest work of the classic action game “Ghostbusters”, “Ghostbusters 5” increases the number of playable characters to four, while each character has a unique combat logic and move system, ensuring that players need to adapt to a long time after switching roles.

Despite the difficulty of getting started, the sense of accomplishment that players feel when they actually get started is not comparable to other games of the same genre. Four different combat styles of characters will brush your understanding of action games, air combat moves of the gorgeous dance and the rising score level on the screen, will continue to stimulate players to secrete adrenaline. Players who want to challenge the high level of difficulty, this must not miss it!

2019 TGA Game of the Year will be the winner, “Only Wolf: Shadows Die Twice” can be said to be well deserved. Not bound to the “Dark Souls” that has been recognized by the players of the model, the initiative to break with tradition around the “iron” to create a new combat system, so that the time echoed in the head of the “ding dong” sound incessantly.

In addition to the fast-paced style of combat, “Only Wolf” also added a system of endure righteous hand to help players better challenge those tricky BOSSes. see through and block the integration, will become a sharp blade in the hands of the player, so as to harvest the enemy that blocked the player’s search for the prince.

Before the little sister of 2B became the leader of a station, “Neil: Mechanicron” attracted countless players with its dynamic combat process and elaborate plot story. The freely switchable long- and close-range attack settings, hordes of enemies and challenging BOSSes, coupled with the protagonist’s smooth movements and gorgeous appearance, it is difficult not to inspire players to want to try their hands on the desire.

At the same time, with the script created by Taro Yokoo, the humanoid robot army and mechanical lifeforms will show the entanglement between the player’s eyes, as the story develops, a more shocking truth gradually emerge. For those who like action games with a good fight, but also love the depth of the plot, this work can be very suitable for you.

Although this evaluation is not the degree of recommendation, but considering that most of the poor reviews are from the glorious violence on the port, the host platform he meow nothing, so the quality of the game alone is still worth recommending.

As a set of simple action fast gameplay is not to lose the depth of the action game, “Crouching Dragon: the fall of the sky” for the new pit action game player’s friendliness is simply surprising. The upgradeable weapons and equipment system, the ability to increase the morale limit by inserting flags, and the moderately difficult level design all make the game much less difficult to play. Very suitable for new players who want to try hardcore action games and worry about the difficulty is too high, but players who want to improve the difficulty, you can also try in the second week of hardcore combat without prompting Oh!

Glorious also said that the game version 1.03 will fix the keyboard and mouse perspective, flashing white screen and game crashes and other problems that occur frequently on the PC platform. Players can wait for the update after everyone’s evaluation to consider whether to get.

Despite the more HD Monster Hunter: World on PC, the new Shogun system in Aurora really works too well! So much so that after trying the unbelievably convenient “Aurora”, then looking back at “World” is more or less quaint. But if you are a graphics party, “World” is still a very high priority, after all, it is the best picture quality in the “hunting” series.

The incomparably powerful Shogun skills extended by the Shogun system, resulting in each weapon can rely on crazy GP (instant defense moves) to greatly enhance the time of effective output, and the freely switchable insect skills style will also increase the player’s bottom line in countermeasures. It is said that the next “Monster Hunt” will continue the “World” in HD and add more interesting systems on top of this, belonging to the expectation value MAX!

Ninja Dragon Sword Legend” series is probably the history of action games can not be ignored works, by the producer Itagaki Banshin reboot of “Ninja Dragon Sword Legend” to countless players addicted to the violent aesthetic scene of broken limbs soaring blood. At the same time, the addition of the Ninja Ryu Kenjutsu 2’s limb-breaking, power-up and soul-sucking systems also brought the series’ thrill up a few notches.

But the level of the port of the glorious Tkuma, I think you PC players are witnessed. As a former action game giant like the existence of the “Ninja Dragon Sword Legend”, its PC port performance can only be said to be poor, although there are many system settings in the present seems a little old, but its solid feel is really worth a try players.

As the finale of the Batman trilogy, and the work that perfectly unleashed the potential inherent in the Unreal III engine, Batman: Arkham Knight was arguably one of the best comic book games of its time. With the newly added Batmobile system and the combination of the critically acclaimed gameplay of the Arkham series, players were able to enjoy punishing evil and doing good in Gotham City, but I should say no, Riddler, you’re damned!

After three generations of “Darksiders”, it has changed from the original combat puzzle game to the “malicious” Souls style. Although the once unmatched style is gone, but “Diablo 3” is still with a rich map design and simplified collection elements and combat system, to capture the hearts of many players.

As the most fickle of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the player will return to the earthly realm of the calamity and make efforts to rebalance the forces. This generation of knights do not have their own horses is indeed a bit sad, but in the guise of Tarzan in the ravaged world of earth to explore freely is not lost a kind of fun. Previously rumored that “Diablo 4” is in development, I wonder if this time Gun Fire can make most players satisfied?

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