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European and American modern

Why are the characters of European and American games becoming less and less good-looking?

I don’t know if you have found a phenomenon ah, these days, the role of European and American games seems to usher in a rhythm of ugly wind, the image of the character is more and more tends to ugly, compared to the Asian female characters are more and more beautiful, the face is more and more high, the role of European and American games seems to be the opposite direction of operation, is how ugly how ugly, so much so that we suspect that the European and American games are deliberately screwing things up, that Why is this the case?

This is not I blindly say, take when Sony’s new son “horizon”, that the protagonist Eloi from a generation of small cute girl, into the current big pancake face, you know, the role of the face film is a proper beauty role, but to the game inside but deliberately become a big mother face, in addition to her, and that “fading light 2” inside, the face of the heroine is also to us staged a big change, more Not to mention the role in the hottest “apex hero” now.

In short, the role of the European and American games is getting ugly, especially in recent years of the European and American games, do not look at the previous European and American games, like what the “Watchtower” “Valiant” “The Witcher 3” so many beautiful, but nowadays the European and American games are all ugly for the beauty, which makes us wonder why the European and American games in the end? Will cause such a situation now, the role between the increasingly ugly look, in fact, to say that the reason, the answer is also very simple, that is, political correctness.

Because this really can not blame the game producer aesthetic can not, but they have to do so, should be the kung fu of these years, as we all know, Europe and the United States, seems to have set off a wave of political correctness, this trend swept the whole of Europe and the United States, not only we players play to the game, next door TV series and movies are not good to where, next door “Game of Thrones” prequel nature of the TV series “Dragon Family” is not such a situation!

Because of this crooked wind, leading to a result, any game but dare to produce some very beautiful characters, those so-called feminist organizations abroad will come out of all kinds of trouble, saying what ugly women, trafficking in female face value, etc., once entangled in so much trouble, inevitably will make their own games, and even the game company to face a lot of trouble, for the game company, this is not necessarily what is good Good thing, so, can only be forced to compromise with them.

I’m not talking nonsense, Europe and the United States over the years the political correctness has made many game companies have to modify a large number of game content, we still remember some time ago the very hot game “Atomic Heart”? Because of some content inside the game, resulting in the so-called politically incorrect, as a result, after being criticized by some people in Europe and the United States, had no choice but to modify some of the game, as a result, to avoid the trouble between players, which can explain where the problem of this political correctness.

In addition to this, we remember to give him love 6? That legendary game, has always been our players flirting with the game, in fact, this game has been in the process of development, but, once again, this time there is a revelation that the content of this game because of various things, leading to the fact that they are also forced to start adding some politically correct elements, so that this game can get better in line with the mainstream Western values now, this time, we are afraid that we can not play Authentic GTA6.

In short, the situation today is this, with the game more and more politically correct, leading to a result, is the future, we play the European and American games will see more of this kind of content, this is an inevitable thing, no way, we can not change the game situation, perhaps this is not necessarily a bad thing, indicating that they are constantly going downhill

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