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The “Dragon War Era” western magic “rebellion”, in hand tour and perfect world’s sincere work

In the MMO hand game market, most of the games dominating the top of the list are still “old products”, led by “Fantasy Westward Journey” and “DaXiaXiYu”, followed by “Sinister Girl”, “ChuLiuXiang”, “The Way” and “New Punisher”, such a MMO matrix, enlisting a large number of MMO players.

However, there is still a sub-category in the midst of fierce competition, still lacking enough explosive models, so this has become the next category for a large number of manufacturers to compete, it is the magic MMO.

Although there are many games of western magic theme on the market, but unfortunately, the homogenization of these products is very serious, many of these types of games through the rapid skin, wash the amount of the way, scraping users. I do not know that after washing the users, the product only leaves empty data, lack of quality and content, making it difficult for this field to continue to make the market optimistic products appear.

In order to fill this gap in the market, and out of love for western magic theme games, China hand tour and perfect world decided to jointly launch magic MMO “dragon war era”, and in the gameplay, gameplay, world view and story content construction, are injected a lot of efforts, intended to return to the origin of the game to let players feel the real joy of the game.

As the opening work of 2019 with the cooperation of two giants, can “Dragon Warriors” successfully pry the magic MMO hand game market?

The pain point behind western magic: “quantity” less “quality”

In the hand game market, the game of western magic fantasy theme is often in a vacant state, on the one hand, because after “world of warcraft”, there are few orthodox magic fantasy MMO games in China, the user cultivation has a fault; on the other hand, compared with the immortal, martial arts and other themes, domestic players do not have strong enough perception of magic fantasy, which also makes the market has been a lack of a magic fantasy hand game that really impresses players.

This phenomenon is also reflected in the purchase and promotion. Unlike the local prevalent martial arts, immortal and fantasy games, the western magic theme itself is in a weak position in terms of “volume absorption”. However, the number of games with such themes in the market and the investment in buying volume have been quite large, and many products are eager to try.

In App Growing’s recently released “Q3 hand game buying market insight”, it is pointed out that among the top 100 hand games in terms of advertising, the magic theme accounts for 11%, which is a relatively key theme. And it also ranks 4th or even the top 3 in the number of mainstream game styles in the last 3 months of buying volume.

Such a huge investment in buying volume, but there are few really successful products, proving that most of these games are “one-wave flow” inferior products through skin changing, volume washing, and then quickly scraping users, whose essence is just packaged into the same pile of colorful values, missing the core of western magic, and even no fun to play. Fun.

However, it is understood that this time, China hand tour and perfect world join hands to create “dragon war era” after a long time of polishing and many tests, finally figured out a number of sets and the game screen similar to the amount of absorbing material, in the “absorbing” and “quality” between find their own The balance point is found between “quantity” and “quality”. This makes people curious: how did this happen? The production team also gave their answer in the game: “craftsmanship”.

The “reverse growth” of “Dragon Warriors” – crafting western magic

An excellent western magic theme MMO, of course, the most essential is the excellent game screen. At present, the amount of skinned magical fantasy games on the market is generally to attract players with beautiful placement materials, and some games even claim to be built with internationally renowned engines when they are advertised, but unfortunately, the actual game screen can only be described as disastrous.

The “Dragon Warring Chronicles” is developed with Perfect World Games’ own Era engine, which is combined with its own actual situation. Relying on such a mature self-research engine, “Dragon Warring” is able to present the beautiful and majestic magic world in the promotional CG in front of the players originally, and the painting style of the game has won many players’ praise.

From the gothic castle of Aurora City to the peaceful hut in the forest, different scenes bring players a very different visual experience.

Thanks to the advantage of self-research engine, the game has been deeply adapted to mainstream cell phones, including thousand-dollar machines, and has really achieved the deep optimization of “high quality and low consumption”, even in the scenes of multi-crowd battles, “Dragon War Era” can maintain the skill effects of all characters, realistic Even in the scenes of multi-crowd battle, “Dragon War Era” can maintain the skill effects, realistic movement trajectory and various hitting effects of all characters while outputting the top beautiful graphics.

In addition to the game’s excellent scenery, “Dragon Warriors” also has no ambiguity in the character and skill effects. According to the official data disclosed on the Taptap community, in the last game test, all players who participated in the test took selfies on average six times a day using the game’s photo function! This shows that players are still very satisfied with the visual effects of the game.

In another magic theme MMO core attraction plot, “Dragon Age” also did not relax at all: hundreds of thousands of words of plot story, “dragon and girl” as the main line of the exciting plot throughout the game. In contrast, some of the skin wash amount of the game even NPC names and dialogue content are not replaced directly on the shelves. And the production team invited a professional team and symphony orchestra to create the background music for the game, to ensure that the game in creating the atmosphere can also provide a perfect audio-visual experience.

And the game’s excellent plot echoes, the game also introduced with the game’s main plot echoes the exclusive dragon taming master play, players can personally train their own dragon partner from the hapless toddler dragon into the sky and the dragon, and it together with the encounter with the elf girl, to uncover the layers of the world’s fog.

In addition, there are abundant battle pets and hunting grounds, as well as a variety of PVE and PVP gameplay such as the Hall of Spirits, the Abyss Challenge Dark Temple, etc., providing players with a complete and various levels of game experience. With the game and the amount of material to match the restoration of CG-level graphics effect, such as this “absorption” and “quality” of the game, has the potential to succeed.

The exquisite graphics created by “Dragon Warriors” and the dragon raising gameplay introduced for the theme and plot won the recognition of players during the test, and the retention of the game was as high as 50% in the earlier test. Compared with the market to put material “hanging sheep’s head to sell dog meat” of the amount of skin game, “Dragon Warring” to ensure the ability to absorb at the same time, but also successfully in the game to create the game players want that magic world.

The final “Dragon Warring Age” also succeeded in winning the favor of players with quality, and the game currently shows on the official website that the number of reservations has reached 1 million, perfectly reaching all the goals of the game reservation bonus. This also shows that the quality of the game in the many tests to improve the players are one by one in the eyes, remembered in the heart, the production team’s efforts have not been in vain.

From the comments of some players in the earlier tests of the game, we can see that players have given full recognition to the quality of “Dragon War Era”. The unique theme of the game, coupled with the excellent quality, plus a group of seed users cultivated during the test, for MMORPG and magic theme market is just like one of the most anticipated games for this year’s Spring Festival. As for how the game will do after it is launched, let’s wait and see together.

Sinotek is a leading global IP game operator. China Handspring has always adhered to the concept of providing high-quality games for global players, and is committed to becoming a game brand loved by global players. China Mobile was the first Chinese mobile game company to be listed on NASDAQ on September 25, 2012; the company officially launched its privatization in May 2015 and completed its delisting in August of the same year, setting a record for the shortest time to complete a privatization of a Chinese stock. In May 2018, China Mobile acquired a 51% stake in Beijing Soft Star, and joined hands with Taiwan’s Daewoo to launch independent and joint R&D and multi-dimensional pan-entertainment cooperation on well-known IPs such as “Immortal Sword Chivalry”, “Xuan Yuan Jian”, “Monopoly”, “Star Volunteers” and “Angel Empire”. With IP as the core, China Mobile continues to provide high-quality IP games for global players through independent R&D and agency distribution, and makes active investment layout around IP and CP to build an ecosystem around IP games. At the same time, COTY uses a global vision to deepen its IP brand operation, expanding the cooperation of pan-entertainment industry including film and television, animation, derivatives and offline entertainment around its own IP to build a world-class cultural brand.

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